Monday, September 28, 2009

Fillercast 1

With Sticky and Boter gone, FearTheClaw leads a few of his friends in the Game Nutz Fillercast. Topics include Sony as a company, the Metroid Prime Trilogy pack, Bioshock on the Mac, and how much it's worth to get the Wii.

(Nice stereo panning there, Claw. Maybe when we bring in multiple microphones we'll do the same thing. Also, we have a new bleep sound. Send that my way, Claw.)

Subscribe and listen (or just listen) to the podcast over at our FeedBurner page.

Music is "80s 8", ©2008 8-bit Rocket, used under Creative Commons Attribution License.


Boter said...

Ooh, background downloading in RB2? About damn time.

Cheaper Lego Rock Band + $5-10 (maybe) for exportable songs = full priced game with free exporting.

tacopill said...

1) sony's going down! woo!!!!! next is Microsoft.... *evil laugh*

2) psp go looks cool, but only such.

3) nomenclature chronology

4) non-mmo co-op RPGs rock! (except the pot holding part)

5) you didn't go to game nutz for metriod trilogy? blasphemy!

6) for bleeping, you should use the Super Mario Franchise Coin Tune

7) excellent Seinfeld quote

8) i want new Super Mario Bros for wii......

Overall, a pretty good podcast.