Microsoft has decided to celebrate the tenth episode of the Game Nutz Podcast by releasing the newest Xbox 360 update (hereby dubbed the Shiny Xbox Experience). They take a quick look at the slim PS3 rumor and discuss various impressive bits with music games. Jumping on the Activision Hate Bandwagon proves fun again, and Sticky loses track of what he talked about last week and talks about Fat Princess and 'Splosion Man. Meanwhile, Claw's been playing fighting games and has gotten re-addicted to Pokémon.
In the one concession to reaching double digits, the hosts each take a few minutes at the end to share their ideas about the idea of games eventually becoming accepted in the same fashion as movies, songs, and novels.
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Music is "Black Paint Rock (1 and 2)", ©2008
8-bit Rocket, used under Creative Commons Attribution License.